DEGA International Art Association

is a nonprofit service organization that provides the concrete resources that working artists and emerging arts organizations need to thrive. DEGA International Art Association supports international cooperation and artistic exchange, free from any aesthetic, political or other bias and aims to improve the economic and social position of Galleries and Artists on national and international level.

Our vision is to support member artists & art organizations by offering resources & services such as

  • advertising and promotion
  • seminars
  • workshops
  • webinars
  • exhibition opportunities
  • international information resource and cooperation for members of the association
  • international exchange opportunities
  • international art conference
  • international art contests

and more for development and education international galleries and artists.

group of women sitting around in a meeting
Two women looking at paintings

Our goal is to help, support and develop not only professional artists, but also beginners talented children, students and adults. We also help new and established galleries, art studios and art organizations to interact with each other, and to find new talented artists around the world for international collaboration.

Our Programs